With business growth comes an increasing demand for energy.

As a result, operational costs also rise.

It’s a pattern that frustrates all businesses. So whether you’re a small business owner or a large commercial operation, taking control of your energy usage will deliver substantial organisational benefits.

Energy cost

The true cost of electricity

As a business owner, you recognise that you’re paying for more than just the generation of electricity from a power station. You’re also paying for:

  • Transmission costs (building and maintaining NSW’s high voltage power infrastructure)
  • Distribution costs (building and maintaining NSW’s low-power poles and wires)
  • Retail costs (including billing and account management).

When you’re powering your own energy, these costs are minimised. Investment in the initial solar energy system delivers ongoing savings, which are accentuated by government incentives and tax savings


The benefits are more than financial

While delivering savings is often at the fore of our commercial goals, there are a number of other benefits to solar that deliver significant benefits for business.

  • Reduce your operational risk: The Australian Energy Regulator shows that our rate of energy consumption is increasing alongside the costs of electricity, and this is especially true for business where technology has become an essential part of our toolkit. A solar system removes the burden of price-rises, enabling you to manage your operational budget and avoid increasing costs.
  • Generate staff and client engagement: More and more clients are choosing to work with providers that have a strong environmental commitment. The same is true when recruiting – businesses using alternative energy are seen to be proactive, forward-thinking and committed, all enticing to quality candidates (and fantastic for your brand!)
  • Take advantage of government incentives while they’re available: Government rebates for solar wont be available forever, yet with increased electricity usage and rising costs it is undisputable that solar will become more and more in demand in businesses across NSW. We’ll help you identify your options under the incentive scheme, and talk you through the best choices for you
  • Reduce your greenhouse gas emissions: It sounds clichéd, but it really is up to us to be the change we want to see in the world. With solar, you’ll be making a valuable contribution to a sustainable future.
commercial solar blue mountains

When knowledge is power – literally

Knowing your numbers and being aware of your usage can ensure you maximise the benefits of solar energy for your business. By installing a solar power or battery system, you’ll be:

  • Reducing your reliance on fossil fuels, and
  • Using renewable energy source that will generate power for years to come.

And even if you relocate premises, a quality solar system will add value to your building.

It’s your business. We’re here to help you make the most of it.

We understand your energy consumption before we do anything else

Because every business is different, we’ll work with you to completely understand your usage and
requirements first. We’ll gain a through understanding of your daily operations and, importantly,
your future plans.

We’ll also look at your power bills and electivity consumption patterns. With your permission, we’ll also install a data logger to track your energy consumption for a week to ten days. The logger will monitor your usage and help us design the most efficient system for your needs.

It also means that you understand the specific numbers around your energy consumption, enabling you to make an informed decision regarding your solar purchase and maximise your return on investment.

Tell me more about your free data-logging service.