How does the size of your solar system help to future proof your energy needs?

By E-Smart Solar

4 years ago

Feature image for How does the size of your solar system help to future proof your energy needs?

Within E-Smart’s local area, there are some limitations on how much solar can go onto a single phase.

We’d normally talk about 5 kilowatts of inverter on a single-phase site, and residentially as much as 30 kilowatts of Solar on a three-phase site. Thus, if you do have a single-phase, there may be a limit to how much power you can sell back to the grid.

Three-phase vs single-phase site

If you do have a three-phase site, you could be selling or you could put on a larger system, sell more back to the grid and the credit will be applied to your bill.

At the end of the day, the difference between single-phase and three-phase is that you can put a bigger system on.

When looking at a solar system and looking at what will be high demand appliances in a home storage battery or an electric car, getting the most out of the roof space you’ve got is always a good thing to think about. The additional load that the battery or car will bring is when you’re going to need to get as much as you can off the roof.

A more efficient solution is going to help you meet those new demands – so high-efficiency panels will mean you’re going to get the most out of your roof space.

Moving forward, electric cars are almost certainly going to be a part of everyone’s lives. That’s always in conjunction with home energy storage and that’s always a conversation we have with our homeowners and we do our best to size the system in anticipation of those things being part of the home.

That side of things is really a site-specific solution. It all just ties into the type of conversations we have with the homeowners.  Find out what’s the best solar system size for your needs – contact the E-Smart Solar team.